Wednesday 10 February 2010

Afternoon all,

Just to set an awkward tone for the rest of today's blog,
here's my terrible joke!

What did one Snowman say to the other?
Do you smell carrots!

Now your probably wondering who is to blame for that so it's only right that I introduce myself.
Hi, pleased to meet you, My name is Jack Crawley. A grumpy old man trapped in a teenager's body with a backdrop of Merry Ol' England. Studying is such a pain, especially when you do English Lit, Maths, Geography and Geology. The four subjects of the apocalypse. Btw i know your laughing at the geology but it rocks, yeah? (You can hit me for that joke).
Wow i know how to sell myself to an audience.

Now that the pleasantries are over, i better get on rambling.

2009 was a funny old year wasn't it? Full of wonders and mysteries, If we weren't succumbing to the media frenzy/scare that was pigs flying in the past tense (Swine Flu), crying our eyes out over Michael Jackson, trying to work out the logic of a peace prize for Obama. We were being forced to watch the gruelling relationship woe's of Katie Bloody Price, a menace far worse than the previously mentioned Swine flu and one that is still a Newspaper pandemic today.

that skidmark of respect that i still had left for her dissapeared yesterday with the headline
"I only married Alex for the money" on the front page of the Daily Star. Apparently quoted from that horizontal plastic vagina shaped mouth of Price's. This whole continuing facade of Eastender's politics of "SHE SAID WHA?!" hasn't got me concerned about Andre, the kids or god forbid Katie's polo clubhouse respect. It's more got me worried about the state of Britain's intellect. You can't have a fire without oxygen right? If Katie is the Firey thrush pain in our countrie's crotch, then we the public are the Teen putting off treatment. (If can understand that, well done). But anyway point is, if we keep buying the Red-Tops, we fuel the War machine, we want to know about what she said next, we want to know how badly one can mess up their relationships, just so we can make our own lives feel slightly better.

Do we really need it? Naaaaah.

But at the end of the day did she actually say that? Probably. Why? Not because it was true, but because it gives her an income. Katie knows how to play the country for her own self interest, She understands our craving for being only slightly better than the person next door and exploits it with surprising skill. I can't believe im saying this...She's smart.

"Who Is more the fool? the fool or the fool who follows the fool?" Well summarised Ben Kenobi.

Anyway rant over,
Three cheers go to my friend Natalie for getting me blogging again, I owe her a wolf picture!
Night bbz. xxx

Ps. Sorry for how rushed and rubbish this was but it can only get better!

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